Will be back soon for now just some freestyle writing to fill up the page until i can find time to make a new web page but that really doesnt matter its not like a web page is important and besides in 200 or 500 years this ancient way of communicating will be becoming ancient and now that i am already getting tired of typing i think that it is time to steal from my self here we go A few dada art pieces included in those concerts Mona Lisa with a mustache and reciting gibberish poems while wearing cardboard tubes thought it was designed to be misunderstood it defied expectations the world had for her and promote it confusion it was basically the representation of the exact opposite of everything that art stood for and they liked it that way where art was consumed with traditional aesthetic start it completely ignore them supposed to appeal to your sensibilities dada intended to insult and provoke dada rejected rationality and logic prizing nonsense to rationality and intuition and features of dada is the idea of chance for them art reflects life and in life there’s I didn’t like there’s chance and chance of something that you can’t and maybe you shouldn’t control they believe that chance is an outlet for unconscious mind so you get pieces like Justin Cyrus who would cut single words from a newspaper toss them in a paper bag and then spill them out into a poem perhaps Cyrus will themselves into the playfulness of childhood well the adult world was busy destroying itself during World War 1 during one of the original dadas said our publications were only a means of arousing diversion rage and through rage is shamefaced self-awareness that it was a storm that broke over the world of art as awarded over the nations it was an artistic revolt against art during World War 1 many artist left at homes and fled to Switzerland 1916 the pot Hugo bar made a deal with a Swiss bar owner increase his gear and sausage sales if he would let our transformers establishment into a literary café called cabaret voluntary is the foreign and local would gather a cover a volunteer forming a collection of independent like-minded thinkers and this is where dada begins to form the origin of the name dada is unclear some believe it’s just a nonsensical word others believe it’s from Romanian artist Kristen Sarah and myself Younkers frequently use of God – which in Romanian means yeah another legend states that they took a French German dictionary started it with a knife and the ninth just happen to appoint a dada which in French is hobbyhorse in the first location in 1916 Barbara that carry volunteer has the sole purpose to draw attention across the carriers of war nationalism cute independent spirit to live for other ideals Andre by Tom and man Ray like the future as they’re interested in freaking language from commercial syntax and semantics giraffe sound through noise music and jumbled type a while if you trust had a mission and a message but that is only had one omission and that was to have no mission at all and in this time in history in the words of Richter it was just this that gave them movement it’s explosive power to unfold in all directions Marcel Jonko recalls we had lost confidence in our culture everything had to be demolished we will begin again after the tabula rasa at the Carrie volunteer we began by shocking common sense public opinion education institutions museums good taste in short the whole prevailing order the movement spread almost homogeneously to New York and then to Paris are slow We could change the world by marking it but the newest certainty during the war that the world need to change for them are her grown old and still with its rules of value and they wanted to free art from the commercialization an industry that comes with it despite their Anterra pose data is anti-doubt it was a favorite among them there aren’t we still are but rather than sitting on a walk in the store who is art that wanted to provoke their anti-are antics were a breath of fresh air cleaning out old steal ideas and paving the way for How are you enjoying watching this video and you learn something new if you wanna keep letting my artistry please check out some of my other videos and subscribe for future ones and I’ll see you guys next time time. Let’s listen to some music May be a resurgence of data exam and you may have been wondering why I was suggest that means our art and honestly maybe the art art but dada is I’m also wasn’t art in the traditional sense in fact two dada’s George rose and John Hartfield wrote the title artist is an insult designation art is an annulment of human equality dada’s didn’t consider themselves artist in the traditional sense just as I’m sure people who make Memes there are days they’re making content for sure but whether or not that content is art it’s hard to say because art art in the typical sense but how else are up service means and got a similar I would say that the manner in which both movements came about and audiences are also similar that it was created during the first world war two express disillusionment with the way the world was at the time the dada were critical of the very institutions upon which Western societies they saw how leaders of the time defended the worst war in human history at that point I was kind of like a necessary thing I’m like I know more thing how cavities are kind of just brushed off as necessary evils live stream do you humanization of soldier way and then after the war the side stream any quality during the roaring 20s when some people were getting continuously richer and richer even as expectation of those classes continue revealing order of society a while ago I said that I would explain why I think many people in my generation find of Stardust humor so funny so Genzie and millennials are living through a similar time as the daughters were and before I start to get into this I want to say that I’m not saying that all millennial‘s are all members of Genevieve on the same page for what I’m gonna be talking about just as not everyone with a message to the dada is promoted in their art and while some of the points I’m going to make apply everywhere some apply more to the United States and kind a west my generation is going up in a time when we’re starting to see the full effects of climate change and many of us are fighting against the established catalyst order which has financial interest in continuing to lose visions and little between both sides you see the well-kept widen continuously in a little being done about it in fact house is set to be the worlds first trillionaire by 20 26 millions of people are losing their jobs in the pandemic and he’s working his employees to exhaustion I don’t know and sit well with me and I doesn’t sit well with a lot of other people lot more people being critical of the established catalyst order on the axis of wealth of the 1% has I will see that there is a large group of people who are just completely fed up with how things are because Zaidi rest have feel them earlier and we can help with it cope with our we’re confused with how the world is that we turn the computer around and like a Darius wants to we are replacing logical nonsense with the logical nonsense there by embracing and Perry parodying our own confusion finally got out was a movement it was embraced by people across the globe and spread relatively quickly for the time period that it was conceptualizing people all around the world in different countries and different cultures who speak different languages in fact house is set to be the worlds first trillionaire by 20 26 millions of people are losing their jobs in the pandemic and he’s working his employees to exhaustion I don’t know and sit well with me and I doesn’t sit well with a lot of other people lot more people being critical of the established catalyst order on the axis of wealth of the 1% has I will see that there is a large group of people who are just completely fed up with how things are because Zaidi rest have feel them earlier and we can help with it cope with our we’re confused with how the world is that we turn the computer around and like a Darius wants to we are replacing logical nonsense with the logical nonsense there by embracing and Perry parodying our own confusion finally got out was a movement it was embraced by people across the globe and spread relatively quickly for the time period that it was conceptualizing people all around the world in different countries and different cultures who speak different languages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I think I I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am I think I am awake I think I am awake I think I am awake I think I am awake I think I am awake and I think I am awake and I think I am awake and I think I am awake and I think I am awake and I think I am awake and I think I am awake and writing I think I am awake and writing I think I am awake and writing I think I am awake and writing I think I am awake and writing I think I am awake and writing I think I am awake and writing this I think I am awake and writing this I think I am awake and writing this I think I am awake and writing this I think I am awake and writing this page I think I am awake and writing this page I think I am awake and writing this page I think I am awake and writing this page I think I am awake and writing this page — I Think the Dry INK of the Wet Ink Sessions Ensemble; a COntinuous OPera handy pamphlet no. 4 ACT 1 “MY NAME IS HENRY!!!” ... and so it was that in an instant which can not be measured by any time perceivable, Henry was consumed, or better to say absorbed, into complete darkness. From the moment before moments, nothingness, all that was not and all that would be, this tale begins. It is the tale of an omnipotent being named Henry who, for lack of better words, has no beginning. He is the one from them who are, as it was told, also omnipotent, but of a different sort than Henry. They are sometimes referred to as the “Creators”, the “Architects” or the “Ancients” but this depends on where you are, when you are and what you are when speaking of them. You see, this story cannot be told using words available to humans. This is, and such is the case, a story for mortal beings of which one form of communication is through speech patterns that stimulate an aural cavity known as the ear. An organ known as the brain then processes these patterns, which, in the case of Henry and his mentors, differs from that which we know. In fact, this story does not actually exist, except in the case that it might be read by a human. In the first instant there was nothing, an unconceivable nothingness as vast yet minute as imaginable. It is from this nothingness that a tiny spark of an unfathomable nature sent this story on its course. It was however, different this time. Designed with special intentions that caused it to continue as it might, but to continue accordingly. As these were the only specifications, it should have continued as it was intended. But as continuity goes, one must concur that change is inevitable. And so it began... #1 TIME AND SPACE “Gore” ... and it was everywhere. “Gord” ... and it was a game “Node” ... and it grew “Drone” ... and there was only one “Dyer” ... and it “Dirge” ... and it “Negro” ... and it “God” ... and it “Orgy” ... and it “Hero” ... and it “Henry” ... and it was written sang lived breathed yearned cried out was everywhere “End” The moment after, when nothing became something, there were only traces of what had become, and what would be, and Henry was confused. The first moments seemed like hours, days, years, until finally, it was everywhere. And so it went, HE went, only to find no end. There HE was, HE was everywhere. But HE was not HE yet. HE was less than that, simpler, more simple, simplified...basic. And everywhere. And infinite. And so it was... Change, everything changes, add time. It is not necessary to fuss about amounts or levels, as the slightest change will suffice. Juxtapose stasis with stasis and nothing happens. Add change; changing stasis? Add time- the stasis of change. Interesting. How many words strung together before it makes nonsense. HE was not, yet. Add time. Add the slightest...? A new word, just drop it into the story: a human word, a mortal word, if the story is to continue. There must be a better word, if the story is going to continue. Perhaps in French- pesanteur. And so it became... “MY NAME IS HENRY, AND I AM GOD!!!” HENRY god HoNRY gEd HoNdY gER HYNdo REg HYDRogNe HYdRogEN #2 hE He The simplest idea forms an abstract design that requires not nurturing, but is allowed to follow a course: “Mei”. This design may in fact encircle the bearer and become a crowning jewel in which all may participate: “Lei”. If one-steps up, and again, then two- steps down should suffice. Everyone laughs at the “Mule” rodeo. Everyone’s face becomes gnarled at the “lime” tasting party. And HE was now “ME”. mmmmmmmmm. Add pesanteur. And so the story goes... #3 Triple Alpha Process The Architects created this universe with very specialized specifications. It was to be a prison, designed to be inescapable. Traps were incorporated into the design of this universe that might lure Henry into false recognition of himself or any attempt he might make to escape. But as this was a different mixtur of pesanteur and time, the Architects could not have known that after enough accumulation, Henry would become aware. Faced with the possibility of yet another dramatic escape, the Architects sent a riddle. This was not an ordinary riddle however. It was out of time, so to speak. It was sent in such a way that when Henry heard it, he would think that it was coming from somewhere nearby. But if he were to go searching for its source, he would not find it, because it had not happened yet. “Chill O’ Priest” “Thrill, are thee?” Resist Peers “He tells Her” Art Stirs Hope “She Calls” Cast The Lie Each Tells Tales “As Trees Plee” Silt Piles Stale Parts Cheap Plots “SSSSSSSSSSSS” Each Preaches Past Still Atop Hills “It Copes” “All Rest” And so HE went... ... in search of the voices. And on and on and on and, it seemed. They were pleased with themselves. The ruse was working. On and on and on, Henry was methodical. Just up ahead, always just up ahead. And on and on and on, something was different now: the stasis of change. Pesanteur, you cannot see it. They did not see it. He did not see it. They could not have known. He heard it they did not. They only noticed a change. What was the word? What was wrong? What was what when why was where? What wha wh w w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... And Henry heard a different voice... #4 Carbon “Welcome, Carbon based life forms” “Let me recite a tale, its artsy, its blue, its cute, its early, its icy, its lusty, its messy its radical, its smart, its trust, yes, ultimate trust.” “Is it astute, is it busy, is it a cult, is it Easter, is it, is it lettuce, is it mister, is it red, is it stable, is it true? Yes, it’s true.” “I am acute. I am butter. I am clear. I am irate. I am lucid.” “Am I able?” “ I am muster.” “Am I bad?” “I am real.” “Am I calm?” “I am slimy.” “Am I easy?” “I am tears, yes utter tears.” “Am I irky, am I limber, am I musical, am I style, am I tasty? Yes, I use yeast.” Words, words, words, strange words... “Buckeyballs/Buckeytubes” And it continued... “R. U. A. bassist?” “R. U. A. cactus?” “R. U. A. lamb?” “R. U. A. muse?” “R. U. A. resister?” “R. U. A. smiler?” “R. U. A. turtle?” Yes, yes U. R A smart car !!! Bonjour “U. R. A. bear.” “U. R. A. castle.” “U. R. A. I.” “U. R. A. master.” “U. R, R. U?” “U. R. A. statue.” “U. R. A tester.” And after 13 billion earth years of searching, Henry finally rested... on a planet named Earth. #5 Intermission ACT II “I am HYdRogEN” #6 P. U. L. P. ...and the Carbon based life forms fell silent. Slowly, a fine “Mist” that carried with an odor of “Spice” and a feeling of “Zest” began to form around Henry. He became relaxed, nearing unconsciousness. He took a “Step” forward. “Halt”, someone said. “Heed”, said another, and all of a sudden he went completely berserk. He began shouting in a rage so violent mountains shook from their foundations, oceans rose with mighty waves and winds blew tremulous gusts that ripped trees from their roots. The words were not comprehendible to the Carbon based life forms. All they understood was the ZZZZZZ sound at beginning of each word until finally, one broke into verse, “ Yo Yo Dawg, Hey, it’s a party in my head.” As the attack finally deteriorated, Henry realized that he wasn’t hearing their voices at all, he was hearing their minds. The humans were silent yet he could hear them, nothing but despair, conflict and rage. Some were pleading; others had given up all hope. Their thoughts began to overwhelm him. He had not known emotions, He was HE once, and now what was HE? He could feel, what was this feeling? What were these thoughts? What was this place? Who were these people? What am I? Where am I? Who am I? I am HYdRogEN!!! Storms Loom Shed Hours Boast Royalty High Horse Doom Boiled Blood Stab Meat Slip Steep Pillar Fits of Noise Veils of Moist Famine Facets of Time Lost Evil, Bible Home is Space, Home is And Henry was again engulfed in complete darkness... Peace, Please Peace, Please Peace, Please Pease, Please Peace, Please Peace, Please Peace, Please Peace, Please Space, Home is Space #7 Fixation Henry tried to concentrate. He couldn’t make sense of the words. He concentrated, on a single word, a single image, a single idea, a single thought. Then quietly, sounding as though he was comprised of infinite voices, he began to chant, so quietly: kew deh toh cir fet ni nye con tel cir ghet a mo li o la zi na li to ma ni nye cir ghet deh soh tir kew deh tel con fet ni tir fet na mo li tel cir nye mo deh con ghet soh nye ma to zi ma li to fet con tir soh deh nye ghet kew deh tir fet na li to ma la zi a mo ola ola ola The Architects were amused. Not only had Henry forgotten himself, he was becoming mortal. The pesanteur had worked better than expected. Henry would soon begin to age and finally die; they would be rid of his menacing once and for all. They could begin again, as they have so many times before, trying to create a perfect universe seeded with perfect entities. They have tried unsuccessfully for eternity to accomplish this one task. But since the recipe for creating a perfect universe was never actually perfected, their only option was to experiment. And experiment they did. Some with almost satisfactory results, others however, were not so successful. The most extreme case saw an entire universe grow the size of a speck of dust, age and develop over many millenniums, and fatefully collapse into nothingness again. It was because of their mixtur of pesanteur and time. There are unforeseen anomalies, and although their calculations are always done with great precision, the stasis of change can never be predicted. So they must always try again. That is what they do, that is all they do, they try again. #8 Elixir Henry became thirsty. This was the first time he ever became thirsty. He wasn’t sure what to do. Drink something. Drink what? His head was burning, overwhelmed with voices and sounds. Extreme emotions raged through his being. His being? Was Henry becoming human? Is it possible that an omnipotent entity imprisoned in a sterile universe can somehow become mortal? Is it because the stasis of change perhaps caused the universe to become desterilized? All of the other universes were implanted. Life was put there as a means of regulation. But this one was somehow different. The pesanteur had, this time, caused a fantastic and unforeseen anomaly. LIFE !!! Henry was alive and needed drink. What to drink? Anything. It was dark, his emotions raged. DRINK !!! And Henry took a drink... #9 pp (poison fugue plant) Peculiar Specimen Calming Momentary Alignment Floating Parallel Passion Desolate Fabric Universe Perfection Impulsive He saw a light. Faint at first, then growing brighter, ever so slowly. He felt as though he was submersed in it. He was the light. Everything he touched began to shimmer. He could feel the energy from everything he touched. He did not know what these sensations were, only that it felt better than before. He touched everything. Could they see him? He first appeared as a mist, but now he was taking human form. Could they see him, or was he just a glowing mist now? They seemed to notice. They seem be offering him things. What were these things? There were round, square and triangular things, shapes of all sorts. Some were impossible to identify. They were being thrust toward him. Were they gifts of some sort? One stood out. One glowed, like him. What was this shape? It looked like a large pear. It was made of trees, but was hollow. It had thin, tightly wound organic fibres (four to be exact) stretched across it surface. A continuous hum resonated from within its hollow cavity. Henry was enthralled. He reached out and touched it. And that was last thing he ever did... fu fu fu fu cha cha cha cha cha cha cha cha poi poi poi cha cha cha poi cha cha fu cha fu cha cha cha cha poi cha fu cha fu cha poi son cha fu cha cha poi char fu fu son pois pois pois char cha cha fu char char char cha chari fu fu son son pois poi son poi poi son poi son fu fu fu son fu poi son cha cha cha cha riot riot riot chari poison fu fu fugue chariot fugue poison chari fugue poison poison fugue chariot poi poison fugue chariot poison fugue chariot The Ancients were now becoming concerned. They had never lost track of Henry before. For eternities, they monitored him; they just could never catch him. Now he was off the radar. He was there one moment and gone the next. Did he escape from the prison? If he did, he should show up in another universe. He was tagged a long time ago with a Micro- Molecular Marker. They have always been able to track him. Did he lose the marker as a result of becoming human? No, no ,no, this was something else, something they had not encountered before. They should send another riddle and see if he responds. #10 intermission ACT III #11 ECLAT ...contains tonal static as octant on silent intent to soil into salion ions slant non canto stance test it silo tint aloe lit nation anton tannin let ilona alto cleat inset as it stannic action list no coset sane talent Alice notice accent snail lens test intentional solicit sonic taos as is societal casino so one sonata til eon loci sect non natal tie to saline ascent on nolan toast sian ancient nina isle so cilia set locate listen scan consent lit neon icon inn... ... incite rest action slain lint iota stain tinsel cotta sect slant nonce intone antenna cosine inset coast canoe talc leona taint anent coil closet nonce tail saline ocean nest santo stance nail to contain iliak talent ascent octennial alias alice into ion nation action tonic contains nice oint anton snail insect innate aliens solicit lisa scent static titan lens olin sonic social toe silent in tensional sienna tact to nolan aloe listen it cost alto silo tint... ... aan alien insect as it can to coast on nest as a coil cast into stone ocean and line lets it eat tonic at octennial stallion locate east ones client list is so tonal not natal in anton sect no tan snail to tac a silent scalia no one is notice tina to leona social stance intent on ear to sonic intone let intention nail it as tint not notice nolan lets it sail talent as it is no stain to scent static con italic alias innate in so as oint at sea tale one is as it to not... ...it is as it is not to let one line coil as an inlet is as it is intent on a least nice tone in its silent ear consent to not is to as is let eat static sonic scent in an ocean snail on tonic to scant on one toe in as intention so listen to neon lens at action in atlantis is a son as a nation to test its consent as it is not to let insane into client its intention to titan silent as it is to its soil stain as a sect not as it is to natal... ... ion eon one tot not til lit lot set cite let lao non so cent it as no tail olin sane on toe ton tone taos nice tint lisa cite son is not lice talc lens neon nail lint isle into coil cost also aloe anion nest ole la lie lo line lean nail eat lie it an so tole slit in tin nite sine scala oil so silo otis in salient scion taos tot canto lao set not to sienna one til is sonic cilia iota test not one so is it set on societal consent also inset in stone as a tannin to its octant on a locate scan is a... And they were fully awake... # 12 XYLEM CORTEX Inka: Alive Leon: Alive Ancients: Thy Vehicle Inka: Alert Leon: Alert Ancients: Ye icy city hither Leon: Healthy Inka: Healthy Ancients: Hath Trolley, Thrive Leon: Rely Inka: Rely Ancients: Hail hearty earth Inka: Teach Leon: Teach Ancients: Giveth Light, Age Rich Inka: Carve Leon: Carve Ancients: Interval Clear, Variety Clever Leon: Toil Inka: Toil Ancients: Achieve Vicar, Thy Legacy Leon: Gavel Inka: Gavel Ancients: Teach Thy Relic, Civil Cheer/Cry Inka: React Leon: React Ancients: Violate Thy Vice, Novelty Thy Very Glitch Inka: Alive Leon: Alive The Ancients had found Henry. Only he was not Henry nor was he HE nor was HE ME or even HYdRogEN. It did not matter. They had found him and they were sure of one thing, Henry was dead!!! The Henry that once was, had fallen through the fabric of space and into a parallel universe. As a result of becoming human and his reaction to substances encountered on earth, when he touched the pear thingy he not only fell through the fabric of space, but was ripped in half. He awoke, in this strange new place, unaware of who he was or where he was. In fact, and so it seemed, Henry was no more. He would now and forever be known as Inka and Leon. They were of course omnipotent as Henry was but without memory, and the Ancients saw this as an opportunity. They would work now to shape their new memories in hopes of creating the first omnipotent couple. And they sent the rest of the riddle... Alive alert and healthy, teach carve and rely. Toil, gavel, react, alive thy vehicle. And Henry’s spirit slipped quietly away... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmme me me me #13 Shock Before entering a parallel universe, all humanoid forms of life must pass through the Xylem Cortex. It resembles a decompression/recompression chamber. Depending on the Laws of Physics in any particular universe, the humanoid life form must wait in the Xylem Cortex until His/Her/Its molecular structure becomes adjusted to the new Laws of Physics. This can be a very painful experience. Fortunately, this process has been going on for as long as parallel universes have existed and along with a wide variety of safeties to ensure the well being of the traveler, some new features have recently been added. The most notable of these new features is the Pain Eraser System Treatment (P.E.S.T.). The life form becomes so annoyed by these P.E.S.T. s that they fail to notice any pain at all. In fact, they usually cannot contain their laughter and begin random bursts of delight throughout the entire process. Once the process has neared completion, a series of words are randomly inserted into their subconscious and the traveler always finds him/her/it-self entering the parallel universe with a genuine smile on their face, provided they have a face. Schlock cootie Vixens Rosie Critic Plasma Ice Action Piston Tease Bids Serialized Sea Mesh Conifer Utility Ox Seaside heart Infinite Decorated Distort Entropy Shine Occidental Okra Trees Nasty Smug Pervasive Mall Patrol Enema Opus Merciless Spill Out Cramps Cackle Seed Sillies Gutter Nits Ham Sat Erotic Isms Tear All Hi Divas Spider Shad Cluster Cased He Ha Ahi Martyr Am Suit Renamed Myrtle Spurns Chaos Llami Airbag Film Yo Calaba Rev Curlers Residual Fire Jar Hie is Nude Lac Prosy Apaca Verses Gangi #14 ETCH And in this universe life was a plenty... art, rat, as, mind, rant, date, more, star, dine, gent, grin, dare, ding #15 π-bonding The first thing that Inka and Leon had to do was to learn the language. The second thing was to learn the transportation system. The third thing, which was actually the first thing except it wasn’t possible yet so it was pushed back to third, was to find out who, what and where they were. The first thing was going to be as difficult as the third since they didn’t even know their own language, so the only thing left to do was follow whoever or whatever that thing was standing nearby- standing, sitting, flying, crawling, they were not sure. But after a short, aural orientation, it was decided that the “thing” was actually a Silicon based life form, and IT was their guide. IT was assigned to them and assumed that they were travelers. IT had a full name that sounded like Intelligent Terrestrial except IT was not from Earth. IT did however have a fancy way of communicating, which only confused Inka and Leon even more. But suffice to say, IT was trying to introduce ITself. IT also immediately sensed something strange about the new travelers. IT heard them calling out, only they never spoke. HENRY !!! HENRY!!! HENRY!!! HENRY!!! IT heard that name before. IT wasn’t sure when or where or why or what, IT only had a faint memory of that name. IT decided to continue with the orientation and IT introduced ITself. BRO THER LY NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS UN EARTH LI NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IN SCRU TA BLE NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LU DI CROUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS DE LI BER A TE NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AU DA CIOUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS MO MEN TOUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS E LA BO RA TE NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CON TEN TIOUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS COUR TE OUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AB STRAC TED NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OUT LAND ISH NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS RAM BUNC TIOUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS BOUN TE OUS NESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS CHARITABLE ARTICULATED TENDENTIOUS COUNTERBALANCED ASTONISHED TRANSLUCENT CONSIDERA TE ABSOLUTE TENDERHEARTED CEREMONEOUS AUTHENTIC TRANSCENDENTAL METHODICAL, METICULOUS EMACULATE, ENORMOUS ETERNAL, ENCHANTED HUMOROUS, HARMONIOUS When IT had almost finished, IT was interrupted. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME Intelligent Terrestrials began to appear out of nowhere and Inka and Leon were startled. The ITs began chanting the welcome phrase again, slowly, in unison and with growing urgency. ART, RAT, AS, MIND, RANT, DATE, MORE, STAR, DINE, GENT, GRIN, DARE, When they got to the last word they paused, they stared for a moment at Inka and Leon then with a tremendous fear they shouted: HENRY!!!!!!!!!!! to be continued... For starting dictation I just want to dictate the statement hey it is working all right so I'm just gonna talk for a while and see how this goes cause I need to fill up a webpage and well I don't know there's not really much to say but that blue looks better than the red and the candy tastes pretty good and I guess I'm not really sleepy right now it's getting kinda late I wish this didn't capitalize all the time please don't put any periods that monitor in the bottle cap and the fireworks and anything that comes to mind twisty ties over here color twisty to in some trash on the table this is really really going very well but we're going to go in and I want that co but I like this button have to start dictating I won't be able to get to that Coke so it's still working though it is yeah the coca coca coca coca really have to check my webpage it's not cocaine it's Coca-Cola but the same and the baby powder feels good when it's hot outside music receipt right there I like this new MacBook is that really good feeling and sushi on top the speaker next to the dog behind the space Martian angry face is hanging on the wall but they're not really faces and why is Martian capitalize that time but it's not this time because it's motion this time but now it's Martian we have hard you like decided to raise everything that I just said really weird I was talking and talking and I don't remember what I said I wish I could have what I said I would say it again about them dead flowers exit but 10. Five green speaker and some sort of red card sitting next to the Allen wrench on the shelf next hanging monster Christmas lights really Christmas lights still oh it's because I said the date probably something to do with the dave didn't want to see the date maybe what about the time 1139 next to the bed and still I'm awake and the spray on the desk played pedal oh my foot I guess it stopped again It really sucks that you have to hold down the button because what I'd like to do is get up and walk away while I'm doing dictation and or put on the iPad next to the laptop and let the iPad talk to the laptop and when it was being said it'll dictate really wrong and and actually if I just put on some serve died is that little do it and everything will be weird and backwards and people be reading it and it'll be like what the hell are you talking about can you say fucking dictation with the old dictations bells fuck that's great fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck cool at least see you let that get in there don't even yash Yash a yeast don't stop just keep braiding Haven Yash gotta go take a piss I'll be back